⚔️Guild Wars

Guild Wars is an important gameplay mechanic that allows guild members to farm guild materials (NFT), which can be used to potentially enhance gameplay. Partaking in Guild Wars also helps players maintain their Culture Points, which helps them protect their GIA earning capabilities.

How does it work?

Guild Wars occur weekly. On designated Guild War days, the "Guild War" spin option will be unlocked on BTMs, and players will be able to spin Guild War-specific actions.

The goal is to battle other guilds to conquer castles. Guilds who control castles will enable all its members to farm guild materials, which can be combined with GIA to forging guild items.

Guild materials and items can both be used to enhance gameplay (Across-games) or be sold on the marketplace, providing a new stream of revenue for managers and scholars alike. On top of that, guilds will also earn House of Pluto badges and rankings to display their mastery at Guild Wars.

Each server can contain up to 24 guilds, with only 8 castles available to raid and conquer. Every week, guilds will need to defend their castle and/or conquer new castles to be able to farm guild materials from their castle(s).

Guild War Rewards

There is a wide variety of rewards that can be earned from conquering castles, including:

  • Equipment (weapons, armor, jewellery, etc.)

  • Consumables (potions, scrolls, elixirs, etc.)

  • Crafting resources

  • Books, recipes, cards

  • Elemental items

  • Lucky boxes

  • Rare collectibles / shards

  • Pet shards

  • Tools

  • Miscellaneous drops

Different castles will contain different rewards, creating a secondary trading economy whereby guilds will need to barter with one another to obtain rarer items. All rewards are decentralised in terms of drop rate.

In addition, players' bags have a maximum capacity, which limits the amount of items they can carry at any time.

Guild War Variants

  • Guild vs Guild: The typical type of Guild Wars where guilds within the same server battle each other

  • Country vs Country: Guilds from the same country team up to battle guilds from other countries

  • Region vs Region: The widest-reaching variant of Guild Wars, whereby guilds from the same region team up to battle guilds from other regions

Utility for Partnered Projects

Other Web3 projects can create additional utility for their community by creating a guild in Bounty Temple. By renting BTMs exclusively to your NFT and token holders, you will be able to provide your loyal members with an additional source of income. Fight guild wars and farm guild items to accelerate your earnings as a community!

In the future, we also plan to enable the selling of third-party NFTs on our marketplace, thereby enabling you to easily acquire quality members for your guild.

Last updated